Sunday, August 2, 2009

One good turn deserves another...mmmm dinosaurs...

I was inspired by Werner's post, so I thought I would avenge Freddy's poor dinosaur...or maybe I thought both would make a great meal?

I'm not sure if I'll do any more to this, but we'll see.

From dinosaurs


  1. whoa...that's good. wonderfully nasty. Can you bring him to class?

  2. Thanks Werner. It is thanks to your post that this one came about. I had a really good laugh when I saw your post. I can bring this to class for sure, but it will have to wait until next week as I am unable to come into class tomorrow.

    I hope you have tried the marker, I just tried wider tipped marker this past Sunday and I had a lot of fun with it. If you have the time, please feel free to head over to my blog to have a look and provide a crit if you feel like it.
